The Counselling Shed

Oh F**k, another year of being you!

January 9th, 2023

East Kent Counselling for people who are feeling enslaved by addiction to sex and pornography?

For many people New Year is a time of celebration. A time of saying goodbye to the previous year, whilst welcoming in the New Year.

But for many people New Year acts as a marker of another year having passed when they are still feeling stuck, lost, low or enslaved by their addiction to sex and pornography? 

Have you arrived in the New Year with a sense of ‘Oh F**k, not another year like this’?

Another year of being you, another year of being stuck in this place, another year of feeling like this, another year of being stuck in this job, or this relationship or this emotional or confused state that you can’t take anymore. 

Another year of feeling that you are not enough (not good enough, clever enough, successful enough, pretty enough, clear or certain enough etc.). 

Another year being reliant on a so-called coping mechanism or addiction that you know deep down is not what you really want or need.

Some of us make New Years resolutions – and sometimes I support my clients with making the changes that they are seeking. But my experience is that more often, people struggle with not being at all clear about what it is that they actually want and need. 

Ultimately, questions such as ‘who really am I?’, ‘what do I really need to do in this all too brief life of ours?’, cause us to experience great levels of unease and tension, as well as great levels of shame for not having worked it all out.

Self Compassion as you face yourself.

Look, whatever you are facing, my hope is that you might be able to muster some kindness towards yourself as you begin to face whatever challenges are coming your way.

Reach Out for the support that you need.

So, if you have started this year with a sense of ‘oh f**k, another year!’, then this year really doesn’t have to be a repeat of last year, or a repeat of the past 5, 10 or 20 years! 

Deciding to reach out for support is a courageous step and I do really appreciate that it can feel scary. But the benefits of counselling can be immense: life changing.

If you are and/or have been struggling, then don’t go on struggling all on your own, reach out and let me support you.

Why not give me a call and we can have a chat. It doesn’t cost you anything, there’s no pressure, no expectations and you can ask me any questions you might have.

Contact me today on M: 07757 859650 or E:, and let’s get your mojo back!

The Counselling Shed

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